Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hello all!

Here’s my update!

Last weekend we went to Baltimore on Saturday (1.16.10)! We took the greyhound bus there, and then grabbed a taxi once we got into the city. From there we saw Charm City Cakes (the famous bakery as seen on Food Network that has produced everything from amazing wedding cakes to the Harry Potter movie premiere cakes). By the way, in order to have a cake made by them – the minimum dollar amount they request is $1,000. Nonetheless, they are famous because of Food Network and we had to visit the location!!

After leaving Charm City Cakes, we walked to Johns Hopkins (literally around the corner) and took a couple pictures of the campus. Then, we ran into these civil war people who were celebrating the day the states stopped fighting? Don’t quote me I have no idea…we just liked their cool outfits. After taking some pictures with them, we headed to Edgar Allen Poe’s grave at Westminister Church.

We then headed to Blue Moon CafĂ© to eat some famous captain crunch crusted French toast. AMAZINGGG!! And their hobo eggs were quite good as well. We found that restaurant on Food Network as well, but the problem we didn’t realize was that it closed at 2 pm! Luckily, we were able to order food to go right before they closed :) and we ate it on the harbor with the pigeons.

Since we spent the whole day there, we decided to walk around the harbor a little bit more and visited all of the shops around the area. Apparently, purple was the color for Baltimore because everyone was wearing it. We soon figured out that the major team in town was the RAVENS – and the whole city seemed to be in crazy support. We saw the amazing mall across the street from the harbor, and ate fish and chips before we left. Soo greasy but good!


On Sunday we decided to walk around the Dupont area because I needed to go to the AT&T store and Michelle needed a new umbrella..haha so much for Macy’s umbrellas! After we did that we went to the National Archives, ate an amazing potbelly’s sandwich and CHOCOLATE MALT! It’s my favorite DC food so far :) We visited the spy museum after, and learned a lot about the history of spies and even simple little facts – like that Queen Elizabeth the 1st had a gown made for her with ears and eyes all over the fabric because she believed that spying on her husband and other people in court was a necessary part of her life. Shortly thereafter Patricia, Michelle and I visited Chinatown to see Avatar in 3D. What a good movie!! I was so amazed.


That Monday was the MLK holiday so we got the day off of work. Yippee! We went to Union station to see what shops were there, and then we went to Chinatown again to check out what other restaurants/stores were in the area. Unfortunately, there weren’t really any Chinese-owned businesses, and it was a pretty small block. I guess it just doesn’t compare to Temple City or LA’s Chinatown…


We celebrated Michelle’s birthday early on Thursday and went to a Mexican restaurant in the Dupont area, which was surprisingly really good for East Coast Mexican food. We ordered really good margarita’s! I got a frozen strawberry one :)


On Friday we went to our seminar very briefly, and then headed to the Pentagon for the tour! It was kind of disappointing but still cool, I just really expected to see more than office spaces and hallways with paintings on them. When I asked our tour guide if all 5 floors of the Pentagon were the same, he said “uhhh yes…for the most part” but I didn’t believe him. So, hopefully the pentagon’s lower levels are pretty cool and secretly super technologically driven with funky walls and major military rooms. We went back to the Newseum afterward, where I saw Pulitzer Prize winning photographs and a piece of the Berlin wall. It’s a 6 floor museum with wayyy too much to see in one day!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

OUR FIRST SNOW DAY!! (Friday, the 8th of January 2010)
It was so exciting!! It snowed all night Thursday, and then on Friday I had to go with a seminar group to the upper NW. We decided that for our project we would do a presentation on the National Zoo. Best. Experience. Ever.
My first time that I can ever remember seeing pandas, and at such a close distance!! The Zoo was deserted because it had just snowed the night before, which we were told was completely unusual. It almost seemed as if the animals knew no one was there…so they gave us special attention (and special pictures). My favorite was the “red panda” which is the animal that looks like a combination of a fox and cat…the zoo keepers had a name for her but I forgot what it was. Apparently, she’s a real character and was such a HAM for us the entire time we were trying to take pictures. She came right up to us…literally separated by 2 inches of space (and glass) and paced right and left in front of us. She even stopped to stare at us when we baby-talked her J SO ADORABLE. The Zoo was such an amazing experience, they even had an 80 degree room called “Amazonia” which held numerous species – without cages or separate rooms. It was crazy watching monkeys swing on the branches above our heads! Unfortunately it was so hot in there that my camera fogged up because it was 20 degrees outside (haha). There’s a picture of a once extremely endangered golden lion tamarin (I believe) doing artwork which I thought was so cute, so I took a picture of it. Perhaps what I loved most about the zoo was the fact that it’s a conservation foundation – they reintroduce species that almost became extinct back into the wild. It seemed to be a purpose that everyone working there embodied, and they showed it in their excitement for the animals and for us to be interested in becoming more educated about the animals. Almost everywhere we went in that zoo, someone had really interesting information to tell us about the animals.

After we visited the Zoo, Michelle and I moved on to the National Mall where we met up with my Australian friend Christian, who had previously been an exchange student at UC Riverside. We went to my favorite museum (Natural History woohoo!!!) and then the National Portrait Gallery. At night the girls and I went out to McFadden’s which was a bar off of Foggy Bottom. It was intense! I guess Washington DC people party hard cause they work so hard…or so we think haha.

On Saturday the girls and I visited the Air and Space Museum briefly, and then went to the Lincoln Memorial at night to see how it looked lit up. It was beautiful! Sunny and I got a little emotional when we entered the gallery below the monument and read all the little picture captions and watched the videos. It’s strange being here at 21 years old, versus even a couple years ago. I feel like I connect more to the events that happened in this amazing place years ago.

Sunday was the trip around the corner to RENT – the musical. It was a tiny theatre, but the quality of the actors and their voices was astounding. I was pleasantly surprised.

Will be traveling again soon this weekend J

The pictures are in a strange order because the site updates them strangely, the zoo is at the bottom and the Lincoln Memorial at the top.

Until then, love you all


PS: I had to write up a brief statement about my internship for a class; I decided to post it here as well.

In my work at Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto so far, I've discovered much about the structure of the firm and the relationships between those involved in the work there. The biggest tax evasion case in United States history is being handled there right now, so I get to see the daily information load that the lawyers work with. In addition to managing the case as best as they can, the lawyers are also involved in maintaining many websites (including international ones) that promote whistleblower protections. Currently the press is a large part of the work at KKC because the media not only wants the correct information and quotes from the lawyers, but the lawyers want to spread the message of the Brad Burkenfeld case as much as possible. Perhaps what I find most interesting is the fact that these people are willing to work so hard on the cases. They spend all their time creating action alerts, writing articles online, and promoting a better quality of life for whistleblowers who do the right thing but end up suffering unfair consequences.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hello, Hello.
It's currently 11:28 pm in Washington, DC. And the temp is...30.4.

On Sunday I moved into the appartment, and I live with Alejandra (my roomie), Janet, and Sunny. That's UCLA taking their picture behind us...we were up next. And of course, the White House, which Michelle (another friend) and I visited the day before.

Up above is my building, located on Rhode Island Ave, in Scotts Circle.
I added a couple scenic photos, but I'm still learning the ropes of this blogging business so it might take a while before it improves!!
Tmr: First day of internship at Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto. Exciting!!

For Sarah: The crazy squirrels are here, too. They are very..friendly.

For Chubbs: Tom's in DC look like this.

Love you all!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Moving In!

Arrived in DC yesterday. Moving into appartment tomorrow! :)

Will post pictures and more soon.